Principal’s Message,
As Principal of D.Y.Patil International, Bokaro it is my pleasure to welcome you to our school website. We thank you for taking the time to visit. We hope to provide you with some useful information. The D Y Patil Group is a pioneer in the field of education with rich experience of over two decades. The Group has evolved a pattern of education that is in -tune with the changing needs of today’s business environment and globalization.
D Y Patil International School, Bokaro aims to create a community of life-long learners working in a caring, challenging and nurturing environment that encourages enthusiasm, global-mindedness, independence and responsibility where academic and personal potential can be achieved. The website showcases the wealth of experiences we offer to our children and gives them a wider audience for their wonderful work. We hope you enjoy your visit and return regularly to check out our latest news.
I believe my role as an educator is to guide and nurture the next generation to establish skills to achieve health, respect, prosperity and fulfilment.
I am passionate about students being empowered to succeed. As Principal, I use all tools available to inspire staff, students and community to work together to promote student achievement and well- being.
I am an avid supporter of effective and innovative professional development that encourages teachers and Chairman to be reflective and to continuously examine our practice to provide quality teaching and learning for each student. My role as Principal is to keep up with latest trends and research and be an active partner in the school’s professional development.
The ability to be innovative and creative is important to me. I enjoy being challenged and inspired by the people around me. I aim to enthuse and challenge staff and students to also be inventive and imaginative in their learning and day to day tasks.
D Y Patil International School, Bokaro is a home away from home, situated from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a natural surrounding of Alkusa. The lush green campus, supersized classrooms and international educational standards will help our students to hone their skills and values to counter the rapidly changing world. Professionally qualified staff and highly experienced teachers add to the holistic development of the students.
I would like to conclude in the words of Anthony J. D’Angelo “Develope a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow”.